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Department of Biochemistry

Department. was initially started with physiology department and was separated from Physiology in 1980 with  Mr. B. L. Patel being the first Head. Since then many Ph.D. students have passed from the Department.

Dr. Sanjeev Kumar Singh,
Professor (Designated)  & Head

  1. Dr. Sanjeev Kumar Singh, Professor (Designated)  & Head
  2. Dr. Nivedita Singh, Professor (Designated)
  3. Dr. Vishal Bhargav, Associate Professor (Designated)
  4. Dr. Kapil Shrivastav, Assistant Professor
  5. Dr. Seema Batham, Demonstrator
  6. Dr. Reema Mehra, Demonstrator
  7. Dr. Deepti Verma, Demonstrator​
  8. Dr. Seema Gurjar, Demonstrator​
  9. Dr. Sapna Dhakar, Demonstrator​
  10. Dr. Manish Kumar Kain, Demonstrator


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